to El Farida Stud
Breeder's Cup Winner of Egypt for the second year, 2012 & 2013!

About El Farida Stud
El Farida stud is owned by Tarek and Ahmed Hamdy Soliman, life-long horse lovers. From a young age their father enchanted them with stories about the Arabian horse: the history, the beauty, and bloodlines; especially the straight Egyptian Arabian line which started with Abbas Pacha hundreds of years ago.
Feature Horse

Imperial Baarez
1996 - stallion
(BB Ora Kalilah × PVA Kariim )
Though he has had a very limited show career, Imperial Baarez holds the following titles in the United States: U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Region 15 Champion Stallion In 2004 Baarez was shown in Europe where he wowed the spectators and judges alike. Brilliantly shown by Paolo Capecci of Italy, he holds the following titles in Europe: Imperial Baarez holds the following titles through the year 2004: Citta di Castello International B Show, Italy - Champion Stallion All Nations Cup Show, Aachen, Germany Reserve Champion Stallion World Championships, Salon Du Cheval, Paris Reserve Champion Stallion Imperial Baarez back in 2008 with: Bronze medal Menton show Paris A show, 2008 All Nations Cup Show, Aachen,